Introduction to Self-Audit during Self-Isolation

Shashi Dubey
3 min readApr 20, 2020


Self-isolation during this pandemic is an opportune time to stop and reflect on ourselves. Self-auditing is having the courage to ask ourselves, “Who am I?” and “What is the purpose of my existence?” Oftentimes we sleepwalk our way through life and never stop to check how we are doing and what habits we have developed.

We lack in awareness about our true nature and are constantly pulled in different directions. And because of this, we do not question ourselves and the choices we make. Every now and then, we need to pause and reflect on areas that need attention. Just like a car that needs taken to the service station to check for oil leaks or like a washing machine that needs fixed.

Self-auditing is about taking the time to identify where our energies are leaking and fixing it. The art of upgrading ourselves is mastered only when we learn to self-audit and discover our true potential.

Taking time to Self-Reflect

Today we are working longer and harder striving for greater success, but not working smarter. Our lives revolve around ‘doing’ rather than ‘being.’ As adults, we rarely reflect on our value and belief systems and whether they serve a purpose in our lives. We need to reflect and ask the right questions. Are we motivated to be our best selves in a job that pays well? Are there gaps that need filled in the dreams we want to manifest? How do our unique strengths match our ideals and ethical values?

Reflecting and auditing ourselves can be a daunting task. Start with a simple self-care audit to see the areas that need developed — physically, intellectually and emotionally.

The Physical Audit

How do you feel physically? How many times a week do you need to exercise or rest to feel stronger? Our physical wellbeing has a huge impact on our mental health. We can function at our best if we improve our diet, develop exercise routines and reset our biological clocks with enough sleep.

The Intellectual Audit

Do some research for what is currently available for you to learn and expand your intellectual capacity. There are several online courses available at universities, colleges and private institutions. Use technology as an advantage to aid in your learning. If you are not so savvy with computers, you can use this time to learn about technology itself! Perhaps there is a new skill that you can acquire for a new career designation. Whatever it is, think wisely about your future and the changing landscape in the economy.

The Emotional Audit

Having good company around us is a huge source of emotional support. A toxic environment of judgment and prejudice can lead us into unhealthy patterns of behaviour, like engaging in conversations for the sake of acceptance into social peer groups.

Remember that we are the sum of the closest friends we engage with the most. We reflect ourselves onto each other so make sure you are not only treating others with respect but also giving yourself nourishment and positivity.

Practicing Gratitude

With gratitude, we settle in the “here and now” rather than “should,” “could,” or “would.” It can be a good reminder of our own strengths and also show us the support we receive from others. Reframing situations into something you are grateful for can motivate us to fight the good fight and never give up!

Finally, …

Self-audits may not be done within a day. Its purpose is to hit the pause button to examine, analyze and reflect on our lives in a practical way to guide us into the future. Someone once described it as a “spring-cleaning for the soul.” It reaches every corner of the mind to pull out every dream, goal, and desire, and pave a new path and direction forward.

Self-audit lets you live life by design rather than by default. You now have the time, so choose wisely!



Shashi Dubey
Shashi Dubey

Written by Shashi Dubey

Life & Divine Mentor with a desire to share his wisdom & teachings through the practice of “Gyan Prakash” — Light of Knowledge.

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